Welcome to Turkey, a crossroad of civilizations since prehistory, an intriguing mix of Eastern cultures where you will find ten thousand years of history embracing the great cultures of the world.
Anatolia is the motherland of myth, legend and many ancient cultures such as Hittite, the Urartian, the Lycian, the Ionian, the Trojan, the Greek, the Roman, the Byzantine, the Seljuk and lastly in more recent times with the Ottoman. The ancients called it Asia Minor, that land-mass protruding from the depths of Asia into the Eastern Mediterranean, defined by the Black Sea to the North, the Aegean to the West and the deserts of Arabia to the South. Since the dawn of time this land of mountain ranges, high plateaus and fertile river valleys has been the dividing line between the Orient and the Occident. It is land where Noah landed his ark, St. Paul spread the Gospel throughout, Homer wrote the Iliad and Alexander the Great’s armies marched. Today the country offers a wealth of historical sites and monuments, a countryside that is breathtakingly beautiful and infinitely hospitable. The people of Turkey have cultivated hospitability to a fine art, but there will be nothing artificial within the welcome you will receive. Turkey is the last great unspoiled coastline in the Mediterranean; it’s the treasure trove of a dozen civilizations, a western nation with its heart in the east and the country veiled in mystery that has yet to be discovered by the knotted handkerchief brigade. TRY TURKEY ONCE AND YOUR PERCEPTION OF HOW A HOLIDAY SHOULD BE, WILL CHANGE FOR EVER…..